Gibbon DocumentariesThis page offers a list of, and comments on, videoor tv documentaries on gibbons. You might need to download Windows Media Player , Apple QuickTime , orother video player software to see the downloadable films or trailers.If any of the information and references presented on this page are incorrect orincomplete, please contact the webmaster. Please let me know, if you know a gibbondocumentary that is missing from this list. Title: "Javan gibbon: Storyfrom Petungkriyono forest"Original title: Owa Jawa: Cerita dari HutanPetungkriyonoDuration: 13 minYear: 2010Production: Inspiro Production ( Primate Conservation ProjectProducer: Arif SetiawanDirector: Wisnu PrabowoEditing: ItingCamera: Wisnu and Teja YuwanaGibbon Locality: Petungkriyono forest, central Java, IndonesiaLanguage: Bahasa Indonesia. There is also a version with English subtitles.Summary: This documentary presents a nice introduction to biology of, and conservationissues regarding, the endangered Javan silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch). Press this button to watch or download a low resolutioncopy of the documentary (version with English subtitles). This may take some time,considering the large size of the file (mp4-format, 44 MB).Title: "Cao vit gibbon census"Duration: 19 minYear: 2008 (filmed 2007)Production: Wild China Film ( Wild China Film ( and Fauna & Flora International( Locality: Jingxi county, Guangxi province, SW ChinaLanguage: Mandarin. There is also a version with English subtitles.Summary: This program documents a census survey of the cao-vit crested gibbon (Nomascusnasutus) of China that was conducted in 2007. The only confirmed population ofthis critically endangered ape occurs in a single patch of forest that covers partsof Jingxi county in Guangxi province of southwestern China and a bordering area inthe Trung Khanh district of Cao Bang province (NE Vietnam). The total populationof this species is estimated at about 18 groups. Press this button to watch or download a low resolutioncopy of the documentary (version with English subtitles). This may take some time,considering the large size of the file (mp4-format, 122.1 MB).Title: "Wild China"Duration: Six episodes of 60 min eachYear: 2008Production: BBC Natural History Unit and China Central Television (CCTV). Filmedentirely in high-definition (HD). Producers: Phil Chapman, Gao XiaopingGibbon Locality: Wuliang Mountains, Yunnan provinceSeries commercially available as 2-DVD set.Internet host of the series in low resolutuion: of the series: A nature documentary series on the natural history of Chinarevealing "the little-known natural treasures and secret wildlife havens ofChina's wildest regions." Gibbon footage is shown in Episode 2 only.Episode 2 (of 6): Shangri-La (First broadcast in the UK on 18 May 2008)Duration: 60 minSummary: This episode profilesthe rich biodiversity of south-western Yunnan province. Animals shown include, amongothers, Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys, Temminck's tragopan, bear macaques, black giantsquirrels, Asian elephants, lesser bamboo bats, and black crested gibbons (Nomascusconcolor). The gibbon footage has a duration of about 2.5 minutes.Titles: "Raising baby Iwani"episodes 1 and 2Duration: Two episodes of 30 min each of the series"The Zoo Life at Auckland Zoo"Year: 2006Production: Greenstone Pictures, Locality: Auckland Zoo, New ZealandSummary: After the death of his twin sister and rejection by his mother, the futurefor Iwani - a six-week-old siamang gibbon at Auckland Zoo, New Zealand - looked bleak,except for the help of senior primate keeper Christine Tintinger. Despite the zoohaving a policy restricting human interaction with its animals, Christine becamea surrogate mother for baby Iwani. This documentary follows Christine as she developsan integration plan that would see little Iwani stay in as much close contact withhis family as possible. Each stage of the integration took months, with Christinerelying on instinct and over 25 years of experience as a primate keeper to judgewhen the time was right to introduce Iwani firstly to his brother, then father, andfinally his mother.Title: "The life of mammals"Duration: 430 minYear: 200210 episodesProduction: BBC, in conjunction with The Discovery ChannelGibbon Locality: Khao Yai National Park, ThailandSummary of the series: A natural history television series devoted to mammals. Itconsists of ten episodes, written and presented by David Attenborough. It premieredon BBC 1 on 20 November 2002.Episode 8 (of 10): Life in the treesDuration: 43 minSummary: A range of adaptations from sucker-feet to gripping tails help the treedwellers to survive, and in the dark forest super senses come in to play. This partincludes a 2-minute gibbon section. It is focusing on the gibbons' fast and acrobaticbrachiation through the tree-tops.Comments: Some of the gibbon footage used stems from the BBC documentary "Upwith the gibbons" of 1999 (see below).Title: "Mission Kalaweit.La protection des gibbons en Indonésie"Duration: 25 minYear: 2001Production: France 5 television. Available from www.vodeo.tvGibbon Locality: Kalawait Rehabilitation Centre, Kalimantan, IndonesiaOriginal French summary of this program (from "A Bornéo,près de Palangkara, la capitale de la province, se trouve une clinique vétérinairespécialisée dans la protection des primates. En Indonésie, lesorangs-outangs et les gibbons sont victimes de la déforestation et de la chasse.Les gibbons sont également arrachés à leur milieu naturel parles habitants: ils sont plus de 150 dans la seule ville de Palangkara à enposséder un comme animal de compagnie. A 20 ans, Aurélien Brûléest le tout jeune directeur du premier programme de protection des gibbons d'Indonésie.Son but: reconstituer les familles de singes et les réhabituer progressivementà la vie sauvage. En suivant l'action de ce jeune homme passionné parles gibbons, ce documentaire alerte sur les dangers qui menacent ces singes. Il montrenotamment toute la difficulté à les réadapter à leurmilieu naturel."Summary: This program shows the gibbons (mostly Hylobates agilis albibarbis)at the Kalaweit Gibbon Rehabilitation Centre in Borneo and documents the conservationefforts by Aurélien Brûlé, the founder of the centre. Press this button to watch or download a trailer of thedocumentary (mov-format, 3.7 MB, from "Les Chroniquesde l'Asie sauvage" or "Chroniques de la jungle perdue" or "UntamedAsia"Duration: 312 minYear: 2001A film series of 6 episodes by Laurent Frapat and Frédéric Lepage.Narrator: Pierre ArditiProduction: Télé Images Nature, in collaboration with France 3.Gibbon Locality: Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, and unspecified zoosOriginal French liner notes of the DVD edition: "Nous voici replongésau pied des monts Thanen Thong Dan, au coeur de la jungle sauvage du sud est asiatique.L'occasion de partager les aventures de Pra Djann la tigresse, de ses enfants Koumpaet Tcha, de Wan l'éléphante et de Sikao et Wao les cigognes. PierreArditi nous entraîne par son talent au coeur de la jungle perdue dans une aventurehors du commun à la découverte des naissances, des morts, des premierspas, des amours et des peurs de la faune sauvage."Summary of the series: This programme documents the wild life in the jungles of South-eastAsia. According to the liner notes, the footage was taken in the Tanen Tong Dan mountainrange in western Thailand. The series includes several sections on gibbons in episodes1, 4, 5 and 6. Other primates featured include the long-tailed macaque (Macacafascicularis), the pig-tailed macacque (M. leonina), the Phayre's leafmonkey (Trachypithecus phayrei), and the Bengal slow loris (Nycticebusbengalensis)."Episode 1 (of 6): L'archipel vert"Duration: 52 minSummary of the gibbon section: A pair of pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus)exhibits rapid locmotion, unusual positionary behaviour, and duet singing.Comments: The gibbon section has a duration of 2.7 minutes, and the footage obviouslyis of captive gibbons. In the background, calls of other pileated gibbons can alsobe heard. During the gibbon section, the narrator explains that male lar gibbonshave black fur and females are blonde. While this is true of the pileated gibbonsshown in the film, it does not apply to white-handed or lar gibbons (H. lar)which are currently recognised as a distinct species."Episode 4 (of 6): Samsara"Duration: 52 minOriginal French liner notes on the gibbon section: "... A trente mètresde haut, les gibbons ont établi leur territoire. Les cris d'alerte de leurscongénères interrompent une séance d'épouillage. ..."Summary of the gibbon section: A pair of nothern white-cheeked crested gibbons (Nomascusleucogenys leucogenys) exhibits social grooming and duet singing.Comments: The gibbon section has a duration of 3 minutes. The narrator claims thatthe gibbon were filmed in the wild, but this is not true. White-cheeked crested gibbonsare not distributed in Thailand but occur only east of the Mekong river. In the background,calls of a male pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) and a female white-handedgibbon (H. lar) can also be heard, which makes it very obvious that the gibbonswere filmed at a zoo."Episode 5 (of 6): Les prisonniers"Duration: 50 minOriginal French liner notes for the gibbon section: "Deux tigres indochinois,Pang et Sua, jouent innocemment dans la jungle. Mais ils ont empiétésur le territoire de Taloum le gibbon qui, habilement suspendu aux petites branches,vient littéralement leur tirer les oreilles..."Summary of the gibbon section: A young white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar)playfully keeps attacking two young tigers without ever getting caught by them. Thegibbon appears to enjoy it, the tigers maybe less so.Comments: I am not sure where the gibbon footage of this episode was filmed, butit obviously shows captive animals. It may have been filmed at the Khao PratabchangWildlife Breeding Center in Rachaburi, West Thailand. The short gibbon section (3min 20s) of this episode is very popular: An edited version of it was presented intv shows of various countries and can be downloaded from several websites on "funnymovies". Press this button to watch or download a low resolutioncopy of the gibbon & tiger clip (wmv-format, 8.8 MB)."Episode 6 (of 6): L'envol"Duration: 50 minSummary of the gibbon section: Short takes of locomotion, feeding, and calling behaviourof white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar).
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